[最も好ましい] part with 172406-Part with meaning in bengali
Traduzione di "part with" in italiano To part with it would mean the destruction of our country Separarsi da esso significherebbe la distruzione del nostro regno You indicated earlier you'd be willing to part with Hildi Lei ha indicato in precedenza, che sarebbe disposto a separarsi da HildiParttime job n noun Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc (work not full time) lavoro parttime nm sostantivo maschile Identifica un essere, un oggetto o un concetto che assume genere maschile medico, gatto, strumento, assegno, dolore When I was a student I had a parttime job working in a pubTo part with sth sich von etw trennen mit etw rausrücken ugs to part company with sb sich von jdm trennen to part with (the) possession of sth den Besitz an etw aufgeben Sale With High Discount Parking Cones 70cm Road Traffic Collapsible Road Cones With Reflective Strip Safety For School Garages Driveway Home Improvement Sale Outlet Www Magex It Part with meaning in bengali ...